What’s My Role in the Shift to RevOps? 

Hi Joe,

I’m a marketing ops professional and I’ve just been told that my company is moving towards adopting a RevOps model.

I actually think it’s a great idea. I’ve read about the approach and think there are a lot of benefits to bringing typically siloed teams together under a combined goal.

However, I’m not quite sure how to help make it happen. Do you have any advice?


Helpful Harriet

pink seperator line

Hi, Harriet.

Let me just say: it’s so great that you’re asking this question.

As things keep changing in the marketing ops world, we need people that are willing to put their hands up and be enablers. Thank you.

You’re right that, while still a relatively new concept, RevOps has a lot to offer.


“Marketing, sales, and customer success teams can operate better when they’re working towards a collective goal.”


It’s the notion that marketing, sales, and customer success teams can operate better when they’re working towards a collective goal—helping their clients and prospects succeed—rather than as disparate silos.

Plus, it relies on an integrated tech stack that easily shares customer data and lets prospects flow through the customer lifecycle with a personalized experience.

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

While it might sound easy, getting to this integrated place is a long-term project.


Ensure alignment

First off, you need to do a lot of work to ensure alignment between these three teams.

That means a lot of conversations around goals, metrics, and performance to get rid of any discrepancies.

There’s also a technology and data aspect here. To build a RevOps tech stack, you need to look into where there are gaps or redundancies, and make decisions accordingly.

All that said, there are also things you (as a MOPs team member) can do at an individual level that will make a big difference, and help things move faster.


Expand your knowledge

If you want your sales, marketing, and customer success teams to be fully aligned, it can’t just happen at the executive level.

You need alignment on the ground as well.

Start this off by learning more about how things are done in those teams, including:

  • how they communicate
  • what their metrics are, and
  • how they measure performance.

Talk to a colleague and ask if you can shadow them for a couple of days; you can observe them as they go through their daily tasks and join them in team meetings.


Become a champion for the RevOps approach

You know it, we know it: Marketing and Sales aren’t always best friends.

In fact, they often find themselves in a rather antagonistic relationship. So, once you’ve taken the time to learn more about what your sales team does, and why they do it, share that knowledge within your team.

These insights should help build comradery and make it easier to collaborate better down the line.

You’ve already done the work to learn about the benefits of the RevOps model, so make sure you share that as well.

People tend to be wary of change, but a lot of the time that comes down to a lack of understanding.

Empower your team with the knowledge they need and it might make for an easier transition when the time comes.


Keep putting your hand up

As I mentioned before, rolling out RevOps is going to be a long process—and your leaders are going to need help.

Talk to your manager about how you can actively contribute to the project.

You never know, they might need someone to bring the MOPs perspective to the decision-making table, or they may be looking for someone to champion the project and help communicate it’s value.

Good thing you’re likely already doing that last one!

You can read more about this topic in our Tough Talks Made Easy post “How to Explain RevOps to Your Marketing Ops Team.”

You’ve got this,

Joe Pulse

How Do I Build a Marketing Ops Team?


Hi Jo,

After several years in a single-person marketing operations team, my company is now willing to invest in growing MOPs.

Encouraging as it is to have initial support from leadership, this will be my first time in charge of building out a team.

How can I hire, structure, and lead a MOPs team effectively? What should I account for in my plan?

Leading Leah.

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Congrats on getting buy-in, Leah.

By giving the green light to growth, your company is showing they take the success of MOPs seriously.

Creating a team from the ground up is no easy feat, but as a new and rapidly evolving function, building and leading a team in the MOPs space comes with a few unique challenges to plan around.

Here’s a rundown of the key considerations your strategy should address:


While the tools and processes in your organization will determine some of the fine print, the essential mix of skills in a MOPs team broadly breaks down as follows:

  • People leader who understands marketing technology platforms.
  • Day-to-day owner of each marketing system and tool.
  • Data expert to own reporting and data warehousing, with expertise in BI tools (e.g. Tableau).
  • Someone to handle day-to-day deployment and requests from Marketing, building campaigns, emails, and other tactical pieces.

Note: Depending on your budget for headcount, multiple functions can live in one individual; for example, you might own admin or reporting while leading the team.


Role design:

Whether you’re hiring one person or several, indicate in the title if each role is a generalist or specialist position, and to what extent the position’s deliverables roll uphill and have the candidate interfacing with C-Suite.

A smaller team might have a MOPs Manager (wearing all hats) and a Junior MOPs Specialist in support.

In larger organizations, you tend to see Senior Directors and VPs of MOPs along with Managers of Martech and Analytics. Note how those roles suggest degrees of seniority and focus.


Attracting candidates:

The benchmarks of expertise in MOPs are different from more standardized functions like IT.

It’s not uncommon to see job postings for senior MOPs leaders that ask for 10-15 years of experience—in a function that hasn’t existed for that long.

Without prior experience hiring in MOPs, collaborate with HR to research the correct compensation and realistic skill sets for roles in the space.

We’re in a candidate-driven job market right now, so your offers need to be compelling to poach top talent.


Nurturing internal talent:

For the same reason, recognize and reward effort.

Don’t overlook junior colleagues from adjacent teams (e.g. Marketing, IT) who want to learn new things.

Some of the best professionals get their start after an organization gives them the chance to grow, so keep an eye out for ambitious internal candidates.


Leadership initiatives:

MOPs people are driven to excel and willing to take a swing at things; you want to harness that competitive nature in productive ways.

Your team should understand what success looks like, so share high-level KPIs for the organization that cascade downwards to Marketing and MOPs.

Encourage your team to create job descriptions for more senior roles above them.

This accomplishes several things:

Clear upward career trajectories will incentivize people to act for the jobs they want.

If your team is displaying these advanced competencies, it’ll help in negotiating promotions, training, and raises with HR.

You’ve got this,

Jo Pulse.

How Do I Create a Webinar Campaign?

Hey Jo,

I’ve been asked to manage a webinar campaign at work.

It’s my first time taking charge of webinars, and I’m unsure of all the processes to account for and the information I need to gather.

Where do I start with webinars? What do I need to do to make this succeed?

Webinar Willa.

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Willa, thanks for writing in.

Putting a webinar campaign together for the first time isn’t always easy, but it’ll be a rewarding experience and a good step forward in your role.

From my time working on webinars over the years, I’ve found there to be a pretty low general awareness from other stakeholders towards the demands of webinar campaigns and the required preparation.


“The concept of your webinar needs to be compelling and have a solid strategy.”


Before you can start to build a registration page, the concept of your webinar needs to be compelling and the strategy solid.

So, before focusing on anything technical, take some time to clarify the fundamentals. Your manager and team are there to help.


Key points to establish:

👉 Purpose: What’s your webinar trying to accomplish? Who’s the target audience?

👉 Content: What’s your webinar about? Who’s presenting?

👉 Delivery: Which webinar software will you be using? Is it integrated with your marketing automation platform?

👉 Promotion: Do you know which channels you’ll use and how you’ll allocate spend? What copy and assets do you need?

Look back at past webinar campaign report data to inform your decisions here.

👉 Scope: Ask a colleague to work with you to develop a webinar blueprint or briefing form that contains all of the relevant information.

This can help to establish and convey the scale of the work involved to other team members as you go through the process.

At this stage, you can start working out the flow of processes and getting stuck into the technical side.

👉 Share your steps: You want all your relevant stakeholders to understand the steps, timescales, accountable team members, and dependencies involved in getting each piece of the puzzle together.

A visualization tool can help you communicate your processes succinctly.

👉 Templates and testing: Program templates are likely to save you some time.

Once you’ve uploaded them with the relevant details, loop a colleague in to test them out.

Play with it until you can register for the webinar, get the correct emails flowing at the right time, and generate a link to access the session.

👉 Self-serve: Self-service updates will make your life easier after you start the program. Create a shared space where relevant teams like Sales can see automatic updates with registrants and attendees.


“Think about how you want to engage your registrants after the webinar.”


👉 Follow-up: Think about how you want to engage your registrants after the webinar, whether you send a follow-up email to suggest other relevant webinars or set up a nurture program.

After you’ve got performance data on the webinar, bring your team together to show how your processes worked and share the results.

You’ll get the opportunity to reflect on what went well and what you can improve for the next campaign.

But this is also your moment of recognition; congratulations, you pulled it off.

You’ve got this,

Jo Pulse.

How Do I Show My Boss My Value?

Hi Joe,

I’m not sure what to do.

As a MOPs professional, I do so much for the company and am always juggling a ton of things on any given day.


“My boss thinks I only work in Marketo, but I actually take care of so much more!”


My boss thinks I only work in Marketo, but I actually take care of so much more!

What can I do to show them my contributions and how I’m actually spending my time?

Thank you,
Undervalued Uriel

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Hi, Uriel,

I wish this weren’t a common problem, but it is.

So often, MOPs “teams” are made up of a small group of people that sit under Marketing or Sales, reporting into leaders that don’t fully understand what MOPs is and how much effort it takes to get it right.

It’s a challenge, particularly for small teams that are left to manage multiple tasks and projects without much investment or support.

There’s hope on the horizon, though.

The talent pool of MOPs professionals and leaders is growing every day, and that means that companies are far more likely to hire managers and directors who understand how many plates you have to spin in a role like yours.

In the meantime, here are some of the things you can do to improve your current situation.


Have a transparent conversation

Your manager doesn’t know what they don’t know.

And while it’s not your job to educate them, you can have a frank conversation about the different things you’re doing and how you can’t do them all.

Going into this conversation, take the time to:

➡️ List out tasks you do

➡️ How much time you spend on them, and

➡️ Prioritize them based on how much value you feel they add to the marketing team.

If you feel that you need another person on the team, share your advice around how you would divide the tasks to make the most impact. At the end of the day, you’ll be the MOPs expert in that conversation, so make sure you show that expertise.


Take a forward-looking approach

Another important conversation to have with your manager is about the direction you want your career to take.

As you know, there are so many paths and specializations to follow in MOPs.

Choosing a path and communicating that to your manager will help them understand that you can’t be the “catch-all” for MOPs, and it will give them the opportunity to support you with the training and mentorship you need.

Pair this with strategic thinking around where your organization can take MOPs moving forward, and a good manager will be even more inclined to craft a role that is right for you.


Don’t be afraid to make a change

If none of that works, then it might be time to look elsewhere.

You deserve to work for a team that understands how important your role is — so start looking for one.

Companies that have built a strong marketing ops culture will have various people in MOPs roles, including a director or VP who has years of experience in the space.

The job descriptions will also be telling.

If the hiring manager has written down a laundry list of tasks they want a specific MOPs role to fill, you can bet they don’t fully grasp what MOPs is all about.


“Your future is in your hands — and it’s bright.”


Your future is in your hands — and it’s bright.

As MOPs continues to grow as a space, there are going to be so many more solid opportunities for you to build your career with. Just wait and see.

Read our recent column I’m All Alone in Marketing Ops, How Do I Get Help? for more advice.

You’ve got this,
Joe Pulse

How Can I Increase Data Integrity in My Organization?

Hi Joe,

The data situation in my organization is a mess.

Whenever it’s time for Sales and Marketing to collaborate, they both bring different insights to the table from data sets that don’t correspond with each other.


“We struggle to make confident decisions about campaign activities and spending.”


As a result, our data is unreliable, and we struggle to be proactive and make confident decisions about campaign activities and spending.

What sort of change needs to happen to improve our data integrity? How can I encourage teams in our organization to participate in sorting out our data?

Siloed Sam.


Break silos

To align your efforts, avoid duplication, miscommunication, and rogue analytics coming from each business unit, all your data needs to live under one roof.


“Your first move should be to invest in a central data warehouse.”


Your first move should be to invest in a central data warehouse.

Your teams can easily maintain the cleanliness of your data through master data management and data cataloging.


Allocate costs based on each team’s resources

Modern platforms like Snowflake make it simple to allocate costs across different parts of the organization.

Your organization can treat storage and processing as separate line items that can be easily monitored by different business areas. This makes it easier for organizations to manage data in a way that’s focused on their needs.

Teams with limited budgets can invite more teams to join and enable easy data sharing among them without having to cover the entire cost.


Get leadership buy-in

Marketing and sales teams that lack data literacy tend to shy away from data management. To overcome this, leadership needs to infuse the value of data into your culture.

Leadership can accomplish this by:

👉 Requesting data from Marketing to clarify insights and support decisions.

👉 Investing in data enablement for their marketers.

👉 Setting a course for data and reporting initiatives.


Find the right leaders

Any data transformation effort needs to be staffed with people who know about data pipelines, business intelligence (BI), and how to present to various stakeholders.

Depending on where these skills lie, this initiative might live under your CMO or IT.

Is IT’s partnership with Marketing strong? Can MOPs translate the technicalities for Sales and Marketing?

Consultants and agency partners can jump-start the process, but you need internal clarity beforehand on what your organization wants to achieve.

The rise of new data warehousing tools like Snowflake has made it more achievable than ever for businesses to de-silo their data with minimal upfront investment.


“As more Marketing activities take place online, the consequence is growth in campaign data.”


As more Marketing activities take place online, the consequence is growth in campaign data.

Take advantage of these newly accessible methods for sorting, capturing, and analyzing data, and your revenue machine will run more effectively than before.

If you need any other help, let us know.

You’ve got this,
Joe Pulse.

Attribution – Your Value in Black and White

TLDR: Attribution assigns credit to marketing tactics that generate revenue to calculate the ROI of marketing efforts. It’s not as simple as spending more on what works. Finding the balance of spending and assessing the tipping point for each channel is crucial. The complex buyer’s journey requires sophisticated attribution models, and marketers must determine the impact of each touchpoint.

“I heard there’s this tech that can get us better ROI like magic!”

The misconception about marketing automation: Among the many misconceptions about marketing automation, one of the worst is the belief that automation does our job for us, like the wave of a wand.

How to discuss attribution with your boss: Discussing attribution with your CMO or CFO isn’t a talk you should dread. It’s a talk you can use to your advantage. That’s because attribution isn’t only the process by which your organization assigns credit for MQLs and sales—it’s also concrete evidence of your precise value to your organization as a marketer.

What’s in this article for you? In this Tough Talks Made Easy, we’ll help you dispel the magic assumptions and ‘set it and forget it’ mentality to explain what’s really going on behind the scenes. You’ll learn how to:

➡️ Explain your attribution maturity in a way that emphasizes your expertise

➡️ Earn the recognition you deserve

➡️ Make an argument for increasing budgets down the line


Explaining attribution data decisions

The challenge you’re facing is clear: you need to communicate the function and value of attribution modeling without effacing the importance of how you analyze and react to the data you have available.

For starters. what is attribution? Attribution assigns credit to how much revenue a specific marketing tactic produces, letting you calculate the ROI on each and every dollar you spend.

Attribution arms you with the data you need to optimize your programs and spend over time—and to clearly report your results in a way that lets your organization buy into your vision.


“Attribution isn’t as simple as spending more on what’s working and less on what isn’t!”


But attribution isn’t as simple as spending more on what’s working and less on what isn’t!

Having the data at your fingertips is only part of the battle. Finding the balance of your spending and assessing your company’s tipping point for any given channel is both an art and a science.

👉 Let’s walk through an example:

Let’s say you’re spending $100K on a channel with 5 to 1 ROI. If you instead allocate $200K, you should make a million!

But not so fast: ROI isn’t constant and every channel can have diminishing returns, where a certain amount of spend changes 5 to 1 ROI into 4 to 1, or less.

If your 5 to 1 ROI only holds true to $150K before dropping to 4 to 1, you have a choice on your hands. 4 to 1 could still be your best bet — but that’s a decision that automation can’t make for you.

It’s your expertise that allows you to find the tipping point and determine your next course of action accordingly.


The complex buyer’s journey

That example covers the ROI balancing act, but attribution itself is rarely so simple or cut and dry.

While it’s great to attribute a sale to a particular tactic, customers can have hundreds of interactions with a brand before deciding to buy.

Sure, when the time came to pull the trigger, they may have visited your website, but they could’ve been persuaded by an excellent white paper you offered last quarter — which came to their attention thanks to a CRM email — which they signed up for thanks to a social lead gen ad over a year ago.

That’s why attribution platforms offer increasingly complex models, accounting for Member Statuses in many campaigns at different points in the buyer’s journey.


“It takes multiple programs across multiple channels to make a deal happen.”


It takes multiple programs across multiple channels to make a deal happen.

Complex attribution modeling can reveal the marketing history of every touchpoint but it’s up to you to determine the impact of each status and channel on the final deal itself.

That determination is a sign of your Attribution Maturity.


Know thy company

If attribution provides the data, attribution maturity is your outlook on that data.

Attribution platforms provide high-end data-rich attribution but that’s only as valuable as how you parse and leverage that data. And if all we’re using it for is explanation and description, we’ve definitely got some maturing to do.

Fortunately, many of these platforms scale with you as your attribution outlook matures.

Do you want to track a program for everyone who registers for a webinar, or one to track only those who actually attend? Your specific needs and interests can be fine-tuned to arm you with the data that’s most pertinent to your future goals.

So how do you know what programs to implement? You need to know your own company.


“Different attribution models answer different questions—so what questions are you asking?”


Different attribution models answer different questions—so what questions are you asking?

👉 Wondering which campaigns are sparking initial interest? You’ll want a First Touch attribution model.

👉 How about which campaigns are taking leads from awareness to opportunity? A W-Shaped model can scratch that itch.

👉 Or maybe you’d like an overall holistic approach, to give the CMO a full update on all stages of the lifecycle? Then Full Path is the way to go.

Remember: Whatever questions you are asking, attribution modeling gives you the ability to target accordingly. From there, it’s a matter of time, testing, and analysis to arrive at the answers your company needs.


Be the one with the plan

No matter how you’re targeting your attribution, you need a Data Utilization Plan to go from description to determination.

Create a plan based on your team’s needs

✅ Timelines

✅ Key data points

✅ What you’re measuring

✅ Why you’re measuring

Remember: These sorts of plans take time. Build in benchmarks from month to month and year to year to measure where you plan to be and the spend you’re going to make to get there.

And if your higher-ups bristle at the long-game, simply explain that they will never truly know the value of any spend without attribution – and without a savvy marketer such as yourself handling their modeling, along the way.

Hopefully, this helped you get out of your own head and out of the weeds when it comes to communicating attribution to those who need to know.

When it comes to making the most of your modeling or progressing on the Attribution Maturity Curve, Revenue Pulse’s experts are here for ideas, guidance, and support.

P.S. Want more advice like that? Follow us on LinkedIn to never miss an update.

How Do I Evaluate New Pieces of Technology?

Hi Joe,

I’ve been asked to evaluate new solutions that could replace one of our tools.

This is the first time I’m having input into the assessment and purchase of new software, and I’m not really sure how I should approach this.

I have two specific questions:

  • How can I identify the most effective tool for my company?
  • What qualities should I look for to guide the decision?


Evaluating Evan.

pink seperator line

Evan, it’s good that you’re thinking critically about this.

The amount of martech solutions is increasing by the day, so it’s becoming more of a challenge to cut through the noise and advocate for the best tech.


“It’s almost a rite of passage
for people in MOPs to get burned by a tool.”


It’s almost a rite of passage for people in MOPs to get burned by a tool, whether:

❌ they were oversold on its capabilities
❌ the solution didn’t gel with their stack, or
❌ it just wasn’t the right fit for the problem or goal at hand.

I’ve participated in evaluations where solutions seemed promising — useful functionalities, relevant integrations, good price point — only to not quite deliver on their purpose.

Frustrating as it is to wait out a contract, these experiences make clear how important it is to be intentional with your tool purchases and how sometimes, this is a difficult thing to get right.


Guide your evaluation:

👉 Know your agenda: What problems are you trying to solve or efficiency gains are you trying to achieve?

Whether you want to improve a particular process, consolidate multiple tools into one, or make it easier to scale, see if you can accomplish this during the trial or demo phase or determine whether it’s possible or not to do so.

This is a big clue as to how suitable a tool is.

👉 Keep focused on your primary issue: You might spot something interesting about a tool that isn’t why you wanted it in the first place.

That observation can lead you to solve a different problem or open a new opportunity, but keep in mind the capability or issue that’s driven you to enter the process.

👉 Understand its total value: How well does a tool address the breadth of issues and functionality gaps in your company?

You might find a solution that does exactly what you need it to without broader utility or an adequate tool for your intended use case that fits optimally with other aspects of your business.

Both are valid motives for choosing a tool; consult with the stakeholders in your company who’ll use or sign off on the tool to determine which would bring more value.

👉 Integration: As a standalone product, is the solution you’re looking at best in class at what it’s designed to do?

Is it an established market leader or gaining positive momentum? Does it integrate well with your CRM, CMS, and marketing automation platform? These are positive signs that a solution has longevity and that it’s compatible with your stack.

Look for online reviews, Gartner Magic Quadrant placements, and partner/vendor certification with your core pieces of tech.

👉 Research the solution provider: It’s worth doing your homework on the solution provider just as much as the tool itself.

Take into account the deployment options, customer support, and training that the vendor offers, along with any third-party reviews and feedback from your network.

For more reading on this topic, check out our piece ‘Is It Worth It? The Hidden Cost of New Martech Tools.’

You’ve got this,

Joe Pulse

What Do Marketo’s Upcoming URL Changes Mean for You?

About two years ago, Adobe Marketo Engage changed its URL structure for images and file assets, landing pages, and forms. Most of you probably did something about this in 2021, but for anyone who still hasn’t, the old URL structure will be deprecated on August 1st, 2023.

In other words, any references using the legacy URL structure will break very soon. So let’s take a closer look at who will be impacted, the specific changes that are coming, and what you need to do about it.


Who will be impacted?

Anyone who meets the following criteria will be directly affected on August 1st:

1) Your Marketo instance was provisioned before 2021.

To put it simply, if you started using Marketo before 2021, there is a good chance you have web pages and forms that are using the legacy URLs. Marketo has also stated that all form embed codes prior to October 2020 used the legacy URL structure. Anyone who implemented their instance during or after 2021 can likely stop reading at this point.

2) You do not have a CNAME configured in Marketo.

If you’ve determined that your Marketo instance was provisioned before 2021, the next step is to verify whether or not you’ve configured a CNAME. For anyone who doesn’t know what a CNAME is, it stands for “Canonical Name.” Think of it as a unique, branded alias for landing page links, form links, or file links that are associated with your domain.

For example, our domain is www.revenuepulse.com. If we had a landing page for blog posts that was properly configured to use a custom CNAME, it might look something like www.blog.revenuepulse.com. In this case, the “blog” portion of that hypothetical URL is the CNAME.

3) You do not have an SSL secured instance of Marketo.

When it comes to Marketo landing pages in particular, it’s important to ensure you have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enabled. If you’re unfamiliar with SSL, it’s essentially a security protocol that allows your website host to validate whether or not a subdomain is your owned property. Keep in mind that SSL is not included in your Marketo subscription by default. Users must proactively add it to their instance as a paid add-on, and it will take 48 hours to activate once ordered. If you didn’t know this, there is a chance your landing pages are not SSL compliant – which will also affect other Marketo forms embedded anywhere else on your site.

So if you have a Marketo instance that was provisioned before 2021 AND you have not configured a CNAME or secured your pages with SSL, these URL changes will impact you – below are the details of what they will look like.


What is changing?

If you haven’t configured a CNAME, Marketo will automatically update all of your links with an assigned CNAME based on your Munchkin ID. This means that any references to old URLs will result in 404 page errors, broken files, and forms that fail to load – all of which will happen on August 1st.

Images & Files

Any images and/or file assets created before 2021 that have their URLs hardcoded into Marketo landing pages without a configured CNAME will have their URLs changed to include a unique hostname – breaking the old URL. Marketo has provided this example for what these link changes will look like:

Legacy: http://na-sj01.marketo.com/rs/123-ABC-456/images/cuteKitten.png
Current: http://123-ABC-456.mktoweb.com/rs/123-ABC-456/images/cuteKitten.png

Landing Pages

The same applies to Marketo landing pages themselves. Any page that hasn’t been configured to use a custom CNAME will have its URL updated to include a unique path name, as shown in a similar example below:

Legacy: http://na-sj01.marketo.com/lp/123-ABC-456/unsubscribePage.html
Current: http://123-ABC-456.mktoweb.com/lp/123-ABC-456/unsubscribePage.html


When it comes to embedded forms, there are a few extra things to consider. Marketo embedded forms will break not only on landing pages without a configured CNAME but also on landing pages that aren’t secured by SSL. Here is an example of the embedded code changes from Marketo’s release notes:

marketo form legacy URL structure

Marketo URL current structure


What should you do about it?

To avoid a slew of broken pages, forms, and files, we recommend you follow these steps (which we’ve compiled directly from the Marketo Engage release):

1) Start by configuring a CNAME for your landing page URLs if you haven’t already. Marketo has an excellent guide on how to do that here.

2) Next, secure your landing pages with SSL – which you can learn how to do here.

3) Once you have SSL-secured landing pages with configured CNAME URLs, you must replace old embedded form code with the new link structure.

We want to draw your attention to this step in particular, as this will be something we think many organizations will overlook. An audit of your landing pages will be required to identify exactly where all your Marketo embedded forms exist. From there, your IT team (or whoever is in charge of website maintenance) can go in and update all of the embedded form code.

4) The final step would be auditing existing Design Studio references that are using the old URL structure. Since Marketo’s landing page editor automatically formats embedded images and forms to be compatible, this applies more so to existing hardcoded references on non-Marketo pages.

While these changes are certainly important, we don’t want to incite panic.

onsider this more of a reminder for anyone who forgot about Marketo’s initial announcement back in 2021. If you want to learn more about the URL changes, you can read the Marketo Engage release directly here.

And if you need help implementing these changes, reach out to us!

The Secrets to a Happy Consultant-Client Relationship

TLDR: Whether you’re in a MOPs team or consulting in the space, learn methods of managing processes, projects, and expectations to strengthen the consultant-client relationship.

Why is a good relationship important? A strong relationship with a consultancy can help MOPs teams to optimize day-to-day processes and tasks, address issues that have built up over the years, and unearth opportunities to improve the strategic contributions that MOPs makes to the business.

The secret to a good relationship: For consultants and clients to enjoy a successful working dynamic, however, both sides must empathize with the needs of the other and be considerate and transparent around scope and project expectations.

What’s in this article for you? If your MOPs team is beginning to work with consultants to deliver projects, or you’re a consultant in the MOPs space looking to build successful client relationships, this Tough Talks Made Easy will help you:

➡️ Communicate your needs within the partnership

➡️ Better understand those on the other side

➡️ Understand effective methods of managing processes, projects, and expectations to strengthen the relationship


Active listening

When MOPs teams and consultants begin to collaborate, there’s a groove to find between the established ways of doing things internally and new recommendations that consultancies bring to the table.


“Reciprocity and active listening are perhaps the most important qualities.”


At this early stage, reciprocity and active listening are perhaps the most important qualities to get the relationship off to a strong start.

As a client

Before contacting an agency or consultancy, your marketing ops team should adopt a specific mindset for success.

👉 Have clear objectives for the partnership

👉 Be prepared to communicate with the consultancy effectively

👉 Be open to incorporating external expertise, even if it means adjusting established work approaches

As a consultant

If you’re consulting with a MOPs team, responsiveness is essential.

Spotting early opportunities to optimize your client’s workflows and tech stack can quickly prove value and create rapport, but your vision should respect your client’s priorities.

Your recommendations and suggestions need buy-in from the decision-makers and day-to-day contacts in the team—and you’re most likely to get that if you show awareness of what your client needs and how more significant changes will impact them.

Big takeaway

Whether you’re on the client or consultant side, approach these early discussions respectfully.

Take on board your consultant’s rationale for certain changes or what motivates your client’s organizational choices and methods — regardless of how early decisions go, if the other party feels understood and appreciated, you’re creating a solid basis of trust.


Expectations vs. reality

As your projects continue, transparency and open lines of communication are like oxygen to the relationship.

As a client

For a marketing ops team, sessions with the consultant are a proactive way to surface your needs and communicate expectations around expected deliverables and timelines.

If your MOPs team lacks experience working with consultancies, they might not understand that consultants have other relationships to manage with unique deliverables and timelines. What might seem like a fair request in-house can be unviable for consultants to fulfill.

For that reason, encourage your team to consider the demands your partners are under and prepare to be flexible. Some urgent turnarounds just aren’t possible for your consultant. Others can be done but require adapting project scope.

As a consultant

Meetings with clients help you keep up with requirements and requests.

A common pitfall for consultants is to view the content of a project in isolation and underestimate the amount of time it’ll take to complete.

Avoid building up client expectations beyond what’s realistic by clarifying the factors that contribute to delays like scope creep, vacations, multiple rounds of reviews in testing and gathering consensus from multiple stakeholders in the discovery phase.

As a consultant, you want to reflect on all these dependencies and share them proactively with clients when setting a turnaround date.


“The train can go off the track without a regular communication channel to set the course.”


Path to success

Both parties should know that the train can go off the track without a regular communication channel to set the course.

Whether you’re client-side or consulting, encourage systems of working that put you on the same page.

👉 Suggest task management software (be it a dedicated tool or a spreadsheet) to assign tasks and monitor progress, and establish weekly status calls to discuss the status of day-to-day projects, longer-term plans, and any issues or roadblocks impeding progress.



The consultant-client relationship is one of mutual participation.

It requires openness and respect from both parties towards the other’s expertise, needs and demands.

Transparent communication around timelines and deliverables and an enthusiastic approach toward your shared purpose are the foundational components of a rewarding relationship that gets results.

For any project guidance, Revenue Pulse is here to help.

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The MOPs Race to the AI Finish Line

TLDR: How is AI transforming marketing operations? Some platforms are integrating AI tools directly, while others are allowing user communities to develop add-on solutions. The winners of this race will be those who integrate AI effectively, while the losers risk missing out on market shifts. We are at a crucial turning point in AI tools for B2B, and embracing AI is vital for staying competitive.

Ready. Set. Go!

It’s not a space race. It’s more of a 5000-meter race – and we’re on the first lap with 12 more to go. A couple of runners have pulled out ahead and the rest of the field is figuring out what to do.

Salesforce and HubSpot are incorporating AI assistant tools into their platforms to enhance user experience, ease the learning curve, and prevent users from seeking alternative AI solutions. Adobe has doubled down on the creative side, but we’re not sure what’s in store for platforms like Marketo.


“It’s clear now that AI has started to transform business.”


It’s clear now that AI has started to transform business. Tasks that used to require expert knowledge and hours to complete can now be done quickly and efficiently by AI.


Which Course?

There are two routes for platforms to take. The first is to integrate AI directly into the platform (like HubSpot), and the second is to allow user communities to develop add-on solutions or APIs to integrate AI enhancements.


The Winners?

So far, it’s elbows up around the first corner of the track, with HubSpot and Salesforce quickly integrating AI functionality – but it’s too early to tell who will win this race.

Whoever comes out on top will have to overcome the following key issues:

1. The power of status quo. In today’s MOPs landscape, it is very hard to disrupt the status quo. Convincing organizations to shift marketing automation platforms requires a significant cost benefit.

2. Patience. It’s reasonable to be optimistic that all platforms will eventually integrate AI into their offerings. But the real question is, will users be patient enough to wait for their current platform to add AI enhancements, or will they turn to another platform that does it first?

3. Early adoption. Platforms must communicate that those who embrace AI early on will likely be well-situated for future shifts and evolutions in how we do our work. MOPs professionals should welcome a world where repetitive, low-value tasks are eliminated – it’s very likely that AI will accelerate MOPs work for the foreseeable future.


The Losers?

This is even harder to predict. But it’s safe to say those who are slower to embrace AI are most likely to lose out or miss important market shifts.


“Those slower to embrace AI are most likely to lose out or miss important market shifts.”


Consider this scenario: a mid-market company has made an acquisition and is deciding between two marketing automation platforms to standardize on. Given that one platform has strong AI capabilities that increase efficiencies and lower costs to operate, and the other platform does not, it would seem like an easy choice.

What about the experts? All around, the speed at which work can be completed will increase. The losers will likely be those who are last to adopt and integrate AI into their systems and processes.


The Gamblers?

There are tremendous opportunities today for many to build third-party add-ons that integrate AI functionality into these platforms like Marketo.

For example, at RP we’ve created some AI content personalization add-ons that are really promising. The question is, how far do we have to go and will this feature be replaced by official platform integrations?

That’s the million-dollar question that everyone wishes they had a crystal ball to answer.

pink seperator line

What are the next steps?

As we know, it’s still very early – the race has just entered the first corner.

And while it’s easy to become fatigued by the inflated expectations and relentless hype of AI, we’d be doing ourselves a disservice if we didn’t try our best to stay optimistic, open-minded, and up-to-date.

Because the reality is: we are at a crucial turning point in AI tools for B2B.

Our work is going to change, and we must change with it.