TLDR: Marketo helps you save time, increase efficiency, and grow revenue. Communicate these outcomes and the value of your CEO’s investment in Marketo (and your team) will be undeniable.
You’re great at your job.
Why? Because you work hard to demonstrate the value that marketing operations brings to your organization.
The problem: Now you’re on the hook to explain the value of Marketo to your CEO.
What do you do next? Read this Tough Talks Made Easy. We’re going to arm you with everything you need to maximize your minutes with the C-suite. Ditch the buzzwords and focus your approach on the language C-Suite speaks on a daily basis: outcomes.
Focus on outcomes
Your CEO needs to worry about the bottom line without being bogged down by minutiae.
When we talk about speaking in outcomes, we don’t mean:
increased clicks
better open rates, or
the things that only excite marketers. (Sorry).
Your CEO is interested in outcomes with positive impacts on pipeline.
improved lead conversion by stage
the ability to enable your existing sales force and help them achieve quota, and
any other outcomes that lead directly to increased revenue.
The value of Marketo speaks for itself. But, it’s up to you to communicate its many uses into outcome-focused conclusions.
Outcome 1: The value of marketing automation
Marketing automation lets you streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks to save time, increase efficiency, and grow revenue more quickly. (Pretty good outcomes!)
Marketing automation takes every aspect of your existing campaign management and marketing programs and allows you to run them ‘lights out.’ With automation, you’ll get real-time data on what’s working and what isn’t, and a comprehensive scoring system to strategize new leads as you get them.
Your CEO needs to know what Marketo can do. Marketo is to marketing what Salesforce is to sales.
Here are a few features of Marketo
boosts pipeline while providing insight into the customer journey
allows for more targeted, relevant communication as relationships progress, and
delivers insights to drive account and prospect intelligence to sales.
Outcome 2: Enhances doesn’t replace talent
Marketing automation isn’t about making humans obsolete. It’s about giving your talent the data and feedback they need in real-time to flex their marketing muscles in the right direction and do what they do best.
Marketo isn’t some set-it-and-forget-it approach—far from it.
“Marketing automation is
only as effective
as those who implement it.”
Marketing automation is only as effective as the marketers who implement it. Campaigns are at their best when the creativity of your talent is able to thrive.
Marketo provides digital experiences that weren’t possible before, but to be successful marketing ops need the right support, funding, and data to make it all work.
Outcome 3: Actionable data
Marketo isn’t about creating a deluge of information—it’s about telling you precisely which strategies are working and which aren’t, so you can react accordingly.
The insights delivered by Marketo are focused on efficiency, scalability, and ROI.
“Marketo tells you
which strategies work and
which do not.”
Without marketing automation, you simply aren’t measuring these things effectively—if you’re measuring them at all.
With Marketo, everything is tracked and displayed. It provides a comprehensive analysis that allows you to compare every facet against others—and keep constant track of how much everything costs.
Outcome 4: Enhanced relationships
Marketing automation has been exploding for a reason. Companies like Fujitsu and the Portland Trail Blazers have made big investments in Marketo and the teams that run them.
Buyers have the ability to google every option, consider every purchase, and compare every choice in spending.
In order to make a sale, relationships need to be fostered, nurtured and brought to fruition. This requires personal, targeted communications that don’t push for sales until the customer already feels confident in their decision to buy.
That’s where lead scoring identifies the best incoming leads for your sales team.
Outcome 5: Sales and marketing sync
Every CEO wants their sales and marketing teams on the same page.
The real-time, first-hand insight into customer behavior and lead ranking mean your sales team will receive a comprehensive list of the ‘hottest’ leads the moment they come in.
“Marketing will do
the same thing upstream
that sales is doing downstream.”
And once they’ve received the lead, they won’t only be armed with what they need to react immediately, they’ll also know how to react in a relevant way.
Your sales team will receive the same deep, actionable insights regarding which content has the most immediate, positive impact on conversion rates and closed sales. And they’ll receive instant notifications when it’s time to leap into action.
That means your marketing team will be doing the same thing upstream that your sales team is doing downstream. This is a harmonious tandem that spells success and it’s the type of outcome that CEOs’ dreams are made of.
The big takeaway
Marketo helps you save time, increase efficiency, and grow revenue by:
providing your talent’s with actionable data
deepening and nurturing relationships with your leads
enabling your marketing and sales teams to align with a shared strategy, and
working for the same goals with the information sales and marketing need to succeed.
Communicate these outcomes, and the value of your CEO’s investment in Marketo—and your team—will be undeniable.
And remember: if we can help prepare you in any way, let us know. That’s what we’re here for.